
Just now, I opened Ainul's blog. She posted about their Qiam and I've read it. Everytime I read her posts, there's something inside me that makes me feel regret choosing this path of life. 

I still remember, the moment I said to mummy, that I'm willing to change school as long as her burden can be reduced. Even I might lost what I have, and I might need to start from the bottom even I've achieved the top. And the worse, being far from HBH. Yes, I cried when I told her that. Because it was like throwing a diamond that you've earnestly sought to get into a dustbin. Eventhough at the first time she asked me to think thoroughly but still, I stick to my decision for the sake of us. Because being far from him is the best to me. 
And now, I'm here, in Bandar Baru Bangi, far from HBH, my lovely SMKAM2 and Alam Megah, the place where I've been grew up. 

Ohmyyy, I shouldn't feel this.

 this is what Allah has destined for you. And Allah always give the best for his slave.
Do accept the fate, and live your life. You're stronger than you know. Believe in yourself. Yes, you can. 

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